"SAATHI" IMPARTS AWARENESS TO SCHOOL STUDENTS ON ANTI-DRUGS ADDICTION & ALCOHOLISM The SAATHI Cell of Modern senior secondary School, Gangtok organised a day long successful community outreach programme on the theme "How to eradicate Drugs Addiction & Alcoholism" on 6th march 2017 at Modern Senior Secondary School premises. The programme was graced by Mr.Sonam Dadul,senior Government official cum president of Modern SMC as the Chief-Guest and attended by Mr. Sonam Denzongpa, Joint Director East HRDD, Smt Mala Zigdal Dorjee, Principal Modern Sr. Sec. School, Mr.K.C.Nima, Incharge (FREEDOM,Rehabilitat ion & Detoxication Society), Mr.Prashant Sharma, Counsellor(SAATHI), Mr. Silash Tamang,SI, SadaThana, School-Incharges, SMC members, guardians, teachers & students. The programme began with the welcome address by Mr.T.P.Dahal, PGT(Nepali) & group song by Student members of SAATHI unit. The key speaker of the programme, Mr.Pr...