Communication capabilities and the desire to share information are among the features which define human beings. Questa’s far-reaching collection helps you explore every aspect of communication from Human Communication, Media Studies, and Journalism, to Advertising and Public Relations, Business and Organizational Communication, and Political Communication, to Rhetoric and Public Speaking, Language and Linguistics, and Social and Ethical Issues in Communication.
Using this library, you can, for example, examine the complexities of Human Communication at different stages of life –Infant Communication, Children’s Communication, and Communication and Aging – or through such nuances as Gender Communication Differences, Gestures, Listening and more.
Drill down into Media Studies to explore Film, Television, the Internet, Telecommunications and Print Media, or into Journalism and Public Relations to investigate subjects relating to Legal and Ethical Issues in Journalism and Journalism History.
Discover the various ways messages are sent, received and evaluated through Advertising and Public Relations, including Advertising and Advertising Research, as well as via Business and Organizational Communication and Political Communication.
Get the theory behind persuasive speech and writing or practical guidelines to improve the effectiveness of your presentations among Questa’s useful materials on Rhetoric and Public Speaking.
Find in-depth resources on every area related to Language and Linguistics – including Languages and Dialects, Linguistics, Grammar, Language Acquisition and Written Language – and access insights, including historical and contemporary perspectives, into Social and Ethical Issues in Communication.
Whether you’re researching a broader category of communication – Human CommunicationMedia Studies, and Journalism, to Advertising and Public RelationsBusiness and Organizational Communication, and Political Communication, to Rhetoric and Public SpeakingLanguage and Linguistics, and Social and Ethical Issues in Communication – or any one of the thousands of related topics, Questa quickly connects you to the information you need.


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